October 18, 2024

GPlay News

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Google Play is going to be launched in France » Google Play News

1 min read

We have already said in our previous post that Google working hard to launch it’s Google Play portal services to more countries, ( See: Google is working on adding Google Play services in more countries), And finally an email sent to publishers partners of Google book search that, Google is about to launch it’s E-book store in France.

The email said that customers will be automatically redirected to Google Play eBook Store and there they will be able to buy eBooks.

To to able to sell digital version of eBooks in Google play eBook store the publishers have to sign an agreement with Google stating that they would give Google 48% of the sale price. Rest 52% will be transferred to the publishers account.

Till now no French publishers has signed this contract for Google Play eBook Store.Only Hachette Book Group has also signed an agreement to sell its titles through Google Play in the United States but still not in French EBook store. Let’s see whether this service can attract French publishers or not.

What do you think, will Google Play eBook store in France be hit or flop??