September 8, 2024

GPlay News

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Google Play Plans to sell Movies in Digital format » Google Play News

2 min read

Google play (Former Android Market) currently only offers Movies on rent. You can rent various hit and classic movies on rent.

From various sources we were informed that Google is it’s now planning to Sell movies in digital format. This was confirmed by claim of multiple unnamed film-industry sources. They claimed that Google is showing an interest in selling digital films to customers.

when this question was asked to Google whether they are going to Sell Movies on Google Play store? one of their spokes person replied:

“Google does not comment on rumor or speculation”

In last few years Android has been hugely adopted by users. Google is now trying to use this user adoption to make some cash. The plan of sell Movies is a part of that plan. Both Google and Film industry can make cash by selling digital version of movies along with providing those movies in rent.By providing this service (or say platform for selling movies), Google will get a fair share amount from sales.

Along with these huge opportunities these are some risks. it’s true that Android has huge number of user base But right now movie sales on Android are reportedly tiny.another thing as Google has just launched Google play merging four of It’s services, The no. of user base currently using Google movie store is not large.

Before launching this Service Google need to work on Synchronizing and streaming. Google is also planning to redesign their Google Music store to make it more user friendly.