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Guide to make your android phone Secure » Google Play News

2 min read

Most android smart phone owners do not really know much about maintaining their mobile devices. They don’t have any idea how to protect themselves from the various viruses and Malware out there. But, there are a few guidelines which you should follow in order to secure yourself against these menaces.

How to Secure Your Android Powered Phone

Just follow these 4 tips to secure your Android smartphone and Tablet.


Firstly, it’s very important that you only download or purchase apps from trusted sources. There are many apps out there that are only created for flooding your smart phone with Malware and you should be wary of these. You should check the developers history to see if they have been making apps for a long time or if this is their first. You should stick to companies and very rarely should you put faith in an individual developer. This does make it difficult for new developers but safety always comes first.


You should also put a password on your phone to protect it from attackers that may get their hands on it when you leave it somewhere. Passwords are not 100 % guarantees of safety but they do help strengthening your phone against attacks and in securing your phone in case you leave it somewhere unattended.


Another way of protecting yourself is by installing any and all software updates as soon as they become available. Hackers usually make use of bugs in your phone in order to attack it. That is why you should install all the updates which fix these bugs so that hackers can’t exploit them.


The last and probably most efficient way of protecting yourself against hackers is by staying off public wifi as much as possible. It is certainly difficult but these public access areas are where you are most threatened. If you have to use public wifi though, ensure not to view any personal or sensitive information that could be used to harm you.

Follow these tips and your Android Phone will be safe and secure.