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Ouya Developer reveals official unboxing video of its console » Google Play News

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Ouya Developer is back with a bang with its new gaming console. The company has released an official video showing the unboxing of the console. To your surprise, Ouya’s latest gaming console is transparent and it wouldn’t be hard for you to figure out what all components have been embedded in it. The video gives a proper insight to the public about the package in which the console is wrapped in. The video is creating a great buzz on the web. Here’s the video:

What is contained in the package?

Ouya Developer has packed lots of things in the box. Starting with the standard console and two gaming controllers to all the necessary gaming accessories, the box has been smartly designed. The box also contains batteries, HDMI and power adapters. A micro USB cord has also been provided in it which will be useful for several purposes. Along with all the hardware components, you will find a thank giving letter as well. The letter acknowledges the developer for their investment to build this gaming console. The note further addresses the users to use this console carefully and cautiously. One should go through the manual booklet properly before he uses it. This console is much more advanced than its earlier counterparts.

Important facts about Ouya Console

Well if we go by the initial reports, then this new Ouya console is going to cost you around $100. The video also reveals how the gaming console boots up. How to open the hardware components has also been displayed in the video. The company emphasized upon the fact that this console is not to compete with Xbox and PS3. The console is dedicated to an entirely different segment of the market. It is an excellent option for the small game developers to match up with it and launch their games. Lots have been expected from this console. We will have to wait and see its actual impact on the market trend.