September 10, 2024

GPlay News

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Amazon and iTunes App Store Makes more money than Google Play » Google Play News

1 min read

Specifically Amazon’s Android App store generates 3 times more revenue than Google Play. So form here we can say that Amazon app store users spend more money to buy Android apps than Google Play app store.

Flurry made a study comparing app developers revenue across Google’s Google Play, Apple’s iTunes App Store, and Amazon’s AppStore. This study ran for 45 days and the revenues and the survey was based on 11 million active users. And from their Study they go t that iTunes App Store is the most revenue generating, Amazon app store is in the 2nd position and Google Play app store secures 3rd spot.

  • Amazon App Store makes 89% revenue of iTunes App Store.
  • Google Play Makes 23% of iTunes App Store Revenue.

So from here we can say for ever $1.00 revenue generated in iTunes app store, Amazon app store makes $0.83 and Google Play makes $0.23

After getting above figures, it’s a bit confusing about Google’s decision to launch Google Play merging movies, music and eBook store.

As Google Play is just launched and the survey was done before the launch of Google Play, so lets see whether Google(and their app developers)  can improve their revenue statics or not.