July 27, 2024

GPlay News

All tech news

What is Google Play [Rumors] » Google Play News

1 min read

Google has recently registered a series of Domains related to Google Play. It seems like Google is in the plan of Launching Something really big. It may be a Tablet or a Platform Or an App store.

The registered domains related to Google Play are:

  • appsonplay.com
  • magazinesonplay.com
  • googleplaynewspapers.com
  • googleplaynewsstand.com
  • tvonplay.com
  • googleplaymagazines.com
  • googleplaymovies.com
  • googleplaymusic.com
  • googleplayvideos.com
  • googleplaytv.com
  • moviesonplay.com
  • newspapersonplay.com
  • googleplayapps.com
  • googleplaybooks.com
  • googleplaydownloads.com
  • googleplaygames.com
  • booksonplay.com
  • gamesonplay.com

One interesting thing is the domain googleplay.com is not in the list. It’s own by another owner.

I am also lucky to get a domain name www.google-play.net

let’s wait and watch what happens with Google Play.